New Book Coming Soon
Cook's new book is due out in February 2024, pending any unforeseen issues. It will be available to purchase online through Amazon Books. (More updates to come)
Getting to know your Sheriff Candidate Maurice Cook
Part 1 of a 6 part series-The Beginning
I was born in Sugar Land, Texas, however I moved to La Porte at a very young age so my father could pursue his occupation as a painter. Life was not easy as I grew up, often without food and certainly without any frills in life. To illustrate how poor we
were, in the warmer months I didn’t wear shoes to school until the ninth grade along with my holey jeans, little did I know back then holey jeans would be such a hit in later times. I was always working at some odd job by the time I was 10 years old, so I
managed to stay busy and clear of the law; I was a nondrinker and nonsmoker. By the time I was 16, I worked more than I went to school; I was ready to quit school and leave home but the military wouldn’t take me until I was 17 so I had to wait.Twenty six days after I turned 17 I paid my father what little money I had to sign a release so I could join the US Air Force. I was off to beginning my adult life in a low rate Hotel in downtown Houston; waiting for morning and my transportation to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Little did I know at the time how much the military and its training would affect and shape my life, especially since I was still a kid and had a lot of growing up to do.
To be continued in Part #2: Life in the US Air Force.
Getting to know your Sheriff Candidate Maurice Cook
Part 2 of a 6 part series-Life in the US Air Force
At Lackland Air Force Base, we were issued our uniforms and I entered basic training as a US Air Force Airman ready to march forward and defend our country, anticipating the training I still had to complete. Most of the recruits were a year or so older than I was, but somehow during phase one I was appointed as one of the 4 flight leaders to head one of the 4 marching columns. During phase two I was appointed as the latrine chief; the first chief’s position I held, I’m still not sure if the Chief’s position was prestigious or not. Then I received my first of 3 stripes I was to earn during my time in the Air Force as I was sent to Laredo AFB as an Air Policeman; a position I could have only dreamed about. I was trained on how to be a military policeman and how to shoot a pistol. I won the Air Police Pistol Completion Match, which was actually the first time I had ever shot a pistol. This led to my assignment on the base pistol team. I didn’t drink, smoke, chew tobacco or drink coffee, because I always worried those vices might compromise my aim and my ability to shoot straight.
I was fervently learning what it meant to be an adult, especially when I received orders that I was being sent to Viet-Nam. I was only 19 when I served in Viet Nam with a naivety, and oblivious to any dangers. I served my tour of duty at Bien Hoa Air Base. After my year was up I returned to Laredo Air Force Base for 9 months before returning to civilian life. I had a good life in the Air Force as it created a sense of family, so I was not looking forward to the fear of civilian life.
Based on my personal experience I would recommend the military to any young man or woman who lacked direction or focus, once they graduated from high school. I will stress the call to graduate first. Don’t give up on your education, I spent years continuing education from my GED after joining the Air Force till later receiving my Doctorate Degree. I followed a harder path based on my family circumstances but always regretted not finishing high school.
To be continued in Part #3: Beginning Life as a Civilian Policeman.
Getting to know your Sheriff Candidate Maurice Cook
Part 3 of a 6 part series- Beginning Life as a Civilian Policeman
Once I returned to my home town I had nowhere to go without any parental support. I moved in with my brother Bill and his wife Linda for a month or so before going to work at my first police job in Clute, Texas as a patrolman. As part of the job I had to furnish my own pistol and all of my equipment with the exception of a badge. I was lucky I had some police experience in the military, because the officer that broke me in had only been on the force 3 months and had no training except being a Rainbow Bread salesman. I knew immediately I wanted more out of life than being an untrained police officer. As soon as I had the chance I pursued and obtained a job in a larger department which was in Angleton, Texas. There I received 40 hours of police training, which I thought taught me all I needed to know about police work; what a wrong assumption that turned out to be. I continued longing for growth, training and advancement.
Before applying to the police department in Clute, I had applied for the Texas City Police Department, but didn’t make the grade. I liked my job in Angleton, but one day I was speaking with a Sheriff’s Captain that was older and wiser with lots of experience. He asked me about my goals in law enforcement. I didn’t really have a set goal but mentioned I had applied for Texas City and had been turned down. The Captain knew I was getting married in a few weeks so he told me to go back to Texas City and update my application as married, because the Chief there didn’t hire single men. I did and 2 weeks later I was a Texas City Police Officer.
Now I knew I had reached a pivotal point in my law enforcement career. However, when another officer on the force was accepted to the Department of Public Safety I decided to give it a try. My lack of education continued to plague me and I made the lowest score possible on the written exam. Yet, somehow I was still accepted to attend the DPS Academy in Austin, and now I was moving in a direction that was really beyond my wildest expectations in life.
To be continued in Part #4: Joining the DPS Family.